Welcome to the Research Data Management Organizer (RDMO) at Bonn University

With RDMO you can create data management plans according to specfic requirements, e.g. to meet the demands of third-party donors. RDMO also assists structured planing, implementation and administration of the data in a research project. The RDMO service at Bonn University is provided ba the Service Center for Research Data.

For a short introduction to RDMO we have created a Quick Start Guide.
You will find further information and support on data management plans at our DMP service.

General information about the RDMO project is provided at rdmorganiser.github.io. The RDMO sourcecode is published on github. The RDMO documentation can be found on readthedocs.


If you have not created an account yet, then please sign up first.

If you forgot your password and want to reset it, click here.